sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012


Rock Cycle

Rock Cycle is the process in which rocks are made. Passing through different process to become an specific kind of rock (Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic.) First lava is expelled out from the volcano which after cooling down becomes an Igneous rock. This process is called solidification. This Igneous rock is broken down in sediments through weathering and erosion. Then sediments will lose their energy and drop themselves. This process called deposition. After this the sediments are pushed down into the ground getting glued together and becoming a Sedimentary rock. This process is called compaction and cementation. Then the Sedimentary rock is pushed further down into the ground by pressure of layers becoming a Metamorphic rock. This process known as heat & pressure. Finally this Metamorphic rock will get melted becoming magma if it is pushed further and further into the ground. This process known as melting. And the cycle will keep in the same order.


Metamorphic rock: A sedimentary rock pushed down underground by heat & pressure.

Magma/lava: Hot melted rock under earth or outside earth.

Solidification:  Process in which a liquid turns into a solid by cooling down.

Igneous rock: Rock formed through the cooling or solidification of magma/lava.

Weathering: Process in which rocks are broken down into small pieces.

Erosion: Process in which surface materials are expulsed away by storm, winds or glaciers.

Sediment: Rock fragments.

Compaction: Process in which sediments are glued together by the weight of layers.

Cementation: Process in which the sedimentary rocks are made getting glued together.

Sedimentary rock: A rock formed by sediments pushed and glued together.

Rock Types

Igneous Rock:

Intrusive Igneous rock: Rock made inside the earth.

Extrusive Igneous rock : Rock made outside the earth.

Sedimentary rock:

Clastic Sedimentary rock: Rock made by rock fragments glued together. 

Chemical or Crystalline Sedimentary rock: Rock formed of mineral crystals which are made through evaporation.

Organic or Bioclastic Sedimentary rock: Rock made by plant or animal remains or weathered particles from old rocks.

Metamorphic rock:

Foliated Metamorphic rock: Rock which is arranged in layers.

Non-Foliated Metamorphic rock: Rock which is not arranged in layers.

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