martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Crystals & Minerlas


In the Crystal Growth Lab we learned one way that crystals can be made which is by Solidification process. In a beaker we put 100 ml. hot water, we add food coloring after this we add the mineral selected (Sucrose, Halite, Epsomite) and keep adding it until it starts to accumulate at the bottom of the beaker and doesn't dissolve even with more starring. This means the solution is saturated so now crystals will be able to grow quickly. Otherwise, if the solution is not saturated crystals will not grow. Then, we place a pencil across the beaker with a tied string on it. So, crystals will grow on the string  after 2 or 3 days having left the beaker in a fresh place like may be next to the window.


Luster:  Metalic or non- metalic.
Metallic luster

Non Metallic luster

Color: Color of the mineral.

Minerals can be different colors

Streak: Powder of the mineral.

Hardness: How hard is the mineral.

Cleavage: Broken evenly.

Fracture: Broken unevenly.

Composition: Chemicals of the mineral.

Other properties:

Magnetism: Attraction of a magnet. Ex: Magnetite mineral.

Crystal habit:  External appearance of mineral. ( shape )

Different shapes

Reaction to dilute acid: If it generates bubbles of gas or not.


Metallic luster 
Blue gray color

Non Metallic luster
Black color

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