viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013


Plate Tectonics are located in the Litosphere which is located in the second layer of the earth, the mantle. These plates are in constant and slow movement but the convention currents can cause these plates to move sharply which causes the disasters that we face today as these are volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamies, etc. As good examples we have the Subduction Zone which is the place where an oceanic crust meets with a continental crust. The oceanic crust is heavier so it subducts under the continental crust creating volcanoes.As a good example, the continental drift which consists in the separation of continents provoked by the plate tectonics. Alfred Wegner discovered this theory and defended that the earth contained plate tectonics which moved causing the separation of land as it caused the Pangaea to come apart in 7 continents. Another example is the Ring of Fire which is located in the borders of the pacific ocean, the plate tectonics are located in the borders since it is where oceanic crust and continental crust meet thus many disasters are caused there and that is the reason of the name ''RING OF FIRE''. I believe the theory of plate tectonics is well proven and its movement is the reason of the disasters that we all witness.


What did you enjoy most about this project and why?
What I enjoyed most about this project was completing the labs because by this I could learn more about how the plate tectonics are the reason of the natural disaster in the Earth and also because it resulted me a interesting way to learn from.
What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
I don't think any part was challenging because everything was pretty clear and understandable.
What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
 I learned to create labs and explain to other people.
Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
I think being more creative by making my handouts because if I did, it would be easier for my classmates to understand about the topic in my presentation
What would you change about this project?
Creating more creative and funnier activities to do my projects.

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012


Rock Cycle

Rock Cycle is the process in which rocks are made. Passing through different process to become an specific kind of rock (Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic.) First lava is expelled out from the volcano which after cooling down becomes an Igneous rock. This process is called solidification. This Igneous rock is broken down in sediments through weathering and erosion. Then sediments will lose their energy and drop themselves. This process called deposition. After this the sediments are pushed down into the ground getting glued together and becoming a Sedimentary rock. This process is called compaction and cementation. Then the Sedimentary rock is pushed further down into the ground by pressure of layers becoming a Metamorphic rock. This process known as heat & pressure. Finally this Metamorphic rock will get melted becoming magma if it is pushed further and further into the ground. This process known as melting. And the cycle will keep in the same order.


Metamorphic rock: A sedimentary rock pushed down underground by heat & pressure.

Magma/lava: Hot melted rock under earth or outside earth.

Solidification:  Process in which a liquid turns into a solid by cooling down.

Igneous rock: Rock formed through the cooling or solidification of magma/lava.

Weathering: Process in which rocks are broken down into small pieces.

Erosion: Process in which surface materials are expulsed away by storm, winds or glaciers.

Sediment: Rock fragments.

Compaction: Process in which sediments are glued together by the weight of layers.

Cementation: Process in which the sedimentary rocks are made getting glued together.

Sedimentary rock: A rock formed by sediments pushed and glued together.

Rock Types

Igneous Rock:

Intrusive Igneous rock: Rock made inside the earth.

Extrusive Igneous rock : Rock made outside the earth.

Sedimentary rock:

Clastic Sedimentary rock: Rock made by rock fragments glued together. 

Chemical or Crystalline Sedimentary rock: Rock formed of mineral crystals which are made through evaporation.

Organic or Bioclastic Sedimentary rock: Rock made by plant or animal remains or weathered particles from old rocks.

Metamorphic rock:

Foliated Metamorphic rock: Rock which is arranged in layers.

Non-Foliated Metamorphic rock: Rock which is not arranged in layers.

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Crystals & Minerlas


In the Crystal Growth Lab we learned one way that crystals can be made which is by Solidification process. In a beaker we put 100 ml. hot water, we add food coloring after this we add the mineral selected (Sucrose, Halite, Epsomite) and keep adding it until it starts to accumulate at the bottom of the beaker and doesn't dissolve even with more starring. This means the solution is saturated so now crystals will be able to grow quickly. Otherwise, if the solution is not saturated crystals will not grow. Then, we place a pencil across the beaker with a tied string on it. So, crystals will grow on the string  after 2 or 3 days having left the beaker in a fresh place like may be next to the window.


Luster:  Metalic or non- metalic.
Metallic luster

Non Metallic luster

Color: Color of the mineral.

Minerals can be different colors

Streak: Powder of the mineral.

Hardness: How hard is the mineral.

Cleavage: Broken evenly.

Fracture: Broken unevenly.

Composition: Chemicals of the mineral.

Other properties:

Magnetism: Attraction of a magnet. Ex: Magnetite mineral.

Crystal habit:  External appearance of mineral. ( shape )

Different shapes

Reaction to dilute acid: If it generates bubbles of gas or not.


Metallic luster 
Blue gray color

Non Metallic luster
Black color

Rock's Daily Life

Rock Cycle - Class K - #2 from Kara MacDevitt on Vimeo.

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

About me!!


  • For me Science is knowledge.
  • I like to watch romantic movies or korean dramas.
  • Every single nasty insect scares me. Eww!!
  • I love the desserts while they are not too sweet!
  • I will be an entrepreneur woman when I grow up .. hope so xD 
  • I have 3 siblings and 1 nephew ^.^
  • My favorite color is violet.
  • My favorite thing to do is to sleep.
  • Watch out with the ghost.. It's behind youu!! 
  • I wish to win the lottery someday.